What is happening at Creche & Kindy this term?

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Term 4, 2024 



New Soft Fall

We are so lucky to have received a grant from the Rotorua Trust to replace our safety matting under our playground and tree. It will be installed in Term 1, 2025!

Our new bridge is here, thanks to the money raised at our Quiz night!


Vision and Hearing 

Vision and Hearing do regular visits to check our four year olds. They play a game that helps to check their hearing levels and their vision. This is such an important check and can pick up early signs of anything not being quite right, giving time to get it checked further.  Some of our tamariki have needed glasses following these check ups or extra hearing checks so it's a great service.





























Look out for our bright and fun flag if you are passing by or looking for our centre - we are a hidden gem, but don't want to be hidden!








Library visits

We are very excited that this year, once a month from February through to November each year we will be taking part in the 'On the road' preschool programme. Whaea T.A. from the Rotorua Library will be coming in at 11am on a Wednesday each month to share a story time, musical instruments or sensory play with our tamariki. 

The library also delivers a box of books for us, to compliment our bookshelf. We are able to look at and read the books,  then they are collected after 4 weeks, and another box delivered! We get to choose the topics we would like and they pick out a few surprises too. 



Staff Training:

2025 - Our Centre Manager and Admin Manager will be attending a Governance course with the Ministry of Education in January, and one of our teachers will complete her Red Cross First Aid Certificate.


Our teachers regularly take part in Professional Development. Our Centre Manager - Anna, and Admin Manager - Mariaan, recently went on a Managers Mega Training Day to make sure we are clear on all the latest ECE Regulations. Our management team take part in courses every month to keep up with current legislation, curriculum changes and anything that can help our team be the best we can be.

Two of our teachers are now trained in Incredible Years Behaviour AND Incredible Years Autism  (Kelley and Anna) and put these strategies to use daily at our centre. Another two of our teachers are currently attending a 4 month Incredible Beginnings Course (Caitlin and Melissa).

Incredible Years also run a valuable parenting course which several of our parents have attended. They tell us the strategies they learn are working and it is a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents and know they are not the only ones struggling with a particular behaviours. This parent course runs for 14 weeks. 

Two of our teachers have attended a SELO (Strengthening Early Learning Opportunities) symposium here in Rotorua. Run by Educational Leadership Project and funded by the Ministry of Education they attended workshops based around our early childhood curriculum Te Whariki . The keynote speakers were Jase Williams who explored Trauma Informed Practice through the Te Ao Maori lens, and Hana Tapiata who discussed embracing authenticity with tupuna matauranga (Maori ancestral knowledge).

All of our teachers are Red Cross First Aid trained and attend revalidation courses every two years.

All our teachers have completed a Child Protection Course,  an important aspect of Early Childhood Care and Education.